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The Influence Of Financial Experience (Rp. 46.000,-)

Judul    : The Influence Of Financial Experience, Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, and Financial Condition Toward Financial Knowledge and Its Implication on Financial Distress: A Survey on Employees in Pontianak
Kode    : P-TIoFE
Kategori: Pendidikan
Halaman: 118
ISBN     : 978-623-7214-24-3
Harga   : Rp. 46.000,-

The main objective of this study is to examine the major determinants of employee financial distress. Kim & Garman (2013) argue that financial distress happens when they meet their financial responsibilities and personal finance. The unemployment problem in Pontianak also triggers the financial distress. This research was conducted in Pontianak on employees as the respondents. The purpose of this research is to measure the influences of financial experience, financial literacy, financial behavior, debt, investment, financial knowledge with financial distress.

The result shows that financial knowledge has more influence on financial experience, financial behavior and debt toward employee and household in Pontianak. Unfortunately, financial literacy and debt do not influence financial knowledge, and financial knowledge has a strong influence on financial distress instead.

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